It has been an extremely tiring two months being on the circuit breaker. Working from home with the kids in tow is the new norm for many households as many businesses have been ordered by law to close or scale down their active workforce. Only essential services remain open while everything else has closed for …
Author: RD
February Reflections 2020
2020 is certain a year of may changes. With the current Covid-19 worldwide condition a lot of changes have to be made to our daily routine. Plans that I had actually decide on in January had to be temporarily put on hold or modified. This is to ensure that we minimize contact with others as …
2020 A New Beginning
2020. The start of a new decade. The time to make new resolutions and to see them through. The start of the new year has rejuvenated my desire for being the best I can. Needless to say I have a greater need to keep fit and maintain a healthy weight now that I’ve entered my …