
May Reflections 2020

tired dog
COVID- 19 – overwhelming.

It has been an extremely tiring two months being on the circuit breaker. Working from home with the kids in tow is the new norm for many households as many businesses have been ordered by law to close or scale down their active workforce. Only essential services remain open while everything else has closed for now. Hopefully everything will revert back to normal soon and this virus will be eliminated without too many casualties

It has been a reflective period for me as I’ve been reviewing what is essential and unessential in my live. I have been reviewing the family budget and assessing the progress of all plans that I have put in place so far. Re-alignment and refocusing is a must in this crisis so that I am able to remove what that has been hampering my growth and accelerate my learning.

After a introspective period I’ve realized that I need to up my productivity as I’ve reached a plateau in some aspects of my life. I need a breakthrough before I can reach the next stage in my life. There will be a few shakeups in the current schedule that I am following to improve on my time management to ensure that I reach ALL the goals that I have written down in January. The most pressing goal that I have is the weight loss one. Being home -bound at the moment had hampered my initial routine of daily walking of minimum 10,000 steps on top of other exercises.

Cooking daily and reduced exercise has caused my weight to creep up quite a bit. It has been depressing for me as instead of moving nearer my goal I’m drifting further away from it. I guess that I really need to do a jump start with a detox session once this CB ends. I really need a reboot!!

Better discipline is needed for me to reach my targets. It hasn’t been easy and still isn’t easy for me. Sigh!! I still haven’t been able to find the correct motivation with a proper exercise/ diet routine which will produce the results that I seek. I really have to redraw my plans on how to achieve the weight lost target which I have set from January 🙁