
Ripples and Koi

It is always interesting observing swimming fishes in the water. They dart around with precision sending ripples through the wateras they move. It’s really difficult to capture the fish in action. These animals move so quickly that many of my shots ended up blur due to the reflection of the water. Only when they paused …

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Red and Purple Blooms

Red and purple are one of the most passionate colors which I know of. They represent lots of warm  and love and really makes the place feel all cosy when they are displayed at home. I found this bloom really unique and exotic looking.  Don’t you feel the same too looking at it? This bloom …

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Wild Flowers

For the past few weeks I have been sharing photos of Pink and purple blooms, waterlillies and  Bees with flowers. This week will be the last installment of pictures of flowers which I took on Jeju island during our trip in June. The blooms in the series were taken from roadside flowers which we went …

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