September was a month that I spent a lot of time reflecting on my diet and what I should set for the family weekly meals.
In the following months I will be concentrating on the following.
Combating problems with Insulin free by going on a Hormone Reset.
There are 7 types of resets which have to be done within a 21 day period.
- Estrogen Reset
- Sugar Reset
- Leptin Reset
- Cortisol Reset
- Thyroid Reset
- Growth Hormone Reset
- Testosterone Reset
Estrogen Reset (Day 1-3)
- Forgo meat and alcohol. Eat a minimum of one pound of vegetables per day, divided over three meals, with healthy proteins. One pound of vegetables is approximately five to ten cups, depending on the vegetables, whether raw or cooked
Increase your fiber intake by 5 grams per day, to an optimal range of 35 to 45 grams per day (40 to 50 grams per day for men). Increased dietary fiber improves the ability of the liver to clear excess estrogen—that is, more fiber lowers estrogen levels in the body—and you poop more estrogen out of your system.
eat good fats.
Food List: Healthy sources of polyunsaturated fats include cold water fish (salmon, halibut, mackerel), crustaceans (oysters, shrimp, crab), borage and evening primrose oil, pastured ghee (clarified butter), nuts and nut oils (pine nuts, walnuts, almonds), poultry and pastured eggs, and seeds (chia, flax, sunflower). Healthy sources of monounsaturated fats include avocados, dark chocolate (80 percent or more cacao), duck fat, nuts and nut butters (macadamias, cashews, pistachios, pecans), olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, olives, seeds (pumpkin, sesame). Healthy saturated fats come from coconut oil, medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, and red palm oil.
Sugar Reset (Day 4-6)
- Eliminate sugar and sugar substitutes
- Eat one pound of vegetables, some cooked and some raw
Eat protein at each meal, approximately 4 to 6 ounces of fish or chicken, beans, or quinoa. Fill up on legumes, especially the magical white kidney bean, which contains a carb blocker. Aim for a total of 75 to 125 milligrams of protein each day, which is approximately 25 to 45 grams at each of three meals.
Food List: Lentils (fast cooking!), black beans, pinto beans, white kidney beans, fish (cod, salmon, mackerel, sardines), and free-range, pastured, or organic chicken.
- Eat at least every four to six hours
- Eat one half-cup of low-glycemic fruit (glycemic index 55 or less), such as berries, avocado, or olives.
- Eat the highest quality, most nutrient-dense organic food you can afford. Focus on low-glycemic index greens, such as kale, chard, dandelion greens, spinach, and collards
Eat probiotic foods. Fermented foods contain natural probiotics, or healthy bacteria, that can take your health to the next level. Not only do they add good bacteria into your stomach and your gut, they’re also powerhouses when it comes to detoxification, especially of heavy metals.11 Nearly every culture has a version of a fermented food: yogurt, kefir, miso, and fermented vegetables, including sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi.
Leptin Reset ( Day 7-9)
- Start your day with protein. Eat protein within thirty minutes of awakening, which reduces cravings for fructose and other sugars. Over the course of the day, consume a moderate amount of protein: approximately 75 to 100 grams per day. Two eggs contain 13 grams of protein; 4 ounces of chicken breast has 36 grams of protein
- Eat your pound of low-fructose veggies
Choose vegetables that contain less than 1 gram of fructose per 200-calorie serving, such as artichokes, sauerkraut, spinach, alfalfa sprouts, and peas. Because of the fiber content, vegetables that contain less than 5 grams of fructose (including sweet potatoes, broccoli, squash, and carrots) can also be consumed, as long as you keep your total fructose each day to less than 20 grams. - Forgo alcohol
- Stop snacking Time your meals every four to six hours. When leptin is normal—not too high and not too low—you don’t feel hungry between meals.
- eat good fats. Most people, in order to heal their metabolism, need more healthy fat in their diet for optimal health. Good sources include coconut and coconut oil, avocados, butter, nuts, and animal fats
Avoid nightshade fruits and vegetables
For three days remove all nightshades, including potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and tomatillos. Avoid American-grown soy, which has been hybridized with petunia, a nightshade, to be pesticide resistant.
Cortisol Reset (Day 10-12)
- Eliminate all caffeine. This includes coffee, black tea, green tea, soda, and energy drinks.
- Caffeine Alternatives List: Hot water with lemon and cayenne, hot water with cardamom, herbal teas, mushroom teas
- Continue eating one pound of vegetables per day, along with healthy, plant-based fats and proteins and small servings of low-glycemic fruits.
- Keep your net carbs between 20 and 49 grams per day.
Thyroid Reset (Day 13-15)
1. Avoid all grains, including flour (even gluten-free). Stay away from the three Ps that cause Americans the most inflammation: pizza, pasta, and pastries 2. Eat one pound of high-fiber vegetables per day. 3. Limit your net carbs—that’s total carbohydrates in grams minus fiber in grams—because those are the carbohydrates that raise your insulin levels and make you more likely to store fat
4. Eat clean proteins, such as seafood, organic poultry, and eggs—approximately 8 to 12 ounces per day (about 80–110 grams). If they don’t make you bloated and miserable, eat one half-cup per day of fresh or cooked beans.
5. Eat only limited fresh fruits: avocado, olives, and coconut. Avoid fruit juices and dried fruits
Growth Hormone Reset ( Day 16-18)
When you eliminate dairy, you’ll make more room for alkaline-forming foods filled with fiber, minerals, and iron. Remember to continue the rules you’ve already implemented from the previous resets.
1. Avoid milk, cheese, butter, kefir, and yogurt.
2. Make sure you are getting enough protein in the form of crustaceans, cold-water fish, grass-fed beef, pastured eggs, seeds, and maybe beans (if they don’t cause weight gain).
3. Eat lots of fiber and fresh vegetables to fill you up. Continue to aim for one pound of vegetables per day, or even more.
4. Drink “milk”—just not from an animal
5. Substitute conventional butter with pastured ghee, which has the milk solids removed and is casein free.
6. Make creamy non-dairy soups that will last three days
7.Look for foods that are labeled “vegan” at your supermarket or your local health food store; this means they contain no dairy.
Testosterone Reset (Day 19-21)
Be wary of skin products. When you wake up in the morning, become increasingly aware of what you put on your skin and mucosal membranes such as your mouth. Start with your first action. If you’re like me, you scrape your tongue and brush your teeth after arising from bed. Make sure the first product(s) you apply are free of metabolic blockers, such as organic toothpaste or deodorant, natural shampoos and conditioners, biodynamic soap or lotions. (
2. Up your intake of alkaline-forming foods. An easy way to do this is to start your morning with a hot cup of water with lemon, followed by a green shake for breakfast. Aim for two to three servings of greens each day.
3. Continue to eat one pound or more of vegetables every day. Prepare your pound accordingly: half lightly cooked, half raw. (Note: if you have thyroid issues, lightly cook all your veggies.) Cruciferous vegetables boost both phases of liver.
Keep up your fiber consumption of 35 to 45 grams per day. if you’re gut is feeling fine (no gas or bloating), you can try higher amounts. Fiber helps to bind metabolic blockers.
5. Add seeds and spices to your cooking. Caraway and dill seeds improve Phase I of liver detoxification (garbage generation), and curcumin (turmeric), rosemary, thyme, and oregano help Phase II.
6. Make sure your food containers are safe by using glass and stainless steel. Avoid storing or cooking food in plastic containers.
7. Get outside.