2/3 of 2020 has passed and it’s August once again. This year I’ll be turning 42. Another year Narc free and loving it!! It has been 5 years since we been without external surveillance. It hasn’t been easy and I know the struggles that my fellow sisters in similar situation are currently going through. Sending all of them positive vibes. We are warriors and nothing evil or bad is going to stand in our way.
This year I’ll be celebrating my birthday with my baby girl. We be having some fun girl time together. We will be doing activities which we haven’t had time in awhile and without the distractions of the boys.
I’m enjoying being totally in-charge of myself and the kids and seeing the fruits of the labour that I have put in to date. My careful plannings and detailed execution has brought results which were better then expected in certain areas of my life. I’m grateful to GOD for all his providence. He constantly blesses me in more ways that I except and they come as really pleasant surprises.
I do not need anyone to dictate to me what I can or cannot do especially when they do not have my best interest at heart. Their suggestions/ opinions seriously don’t matter. I’m now much better spotting fakes together with their red flags and weeding them out before they do any dent to the lifestyle that I’ve cultivated for myself and the kids. Anyone who cannot be understanding or show empathy towards me is given the booth. I don’t have the time nor efforts to play around with childish little boys and girls who refuse to grow up. I don’t have to put up with wimps nor be lenient to anyone who doesn’t deserve any. I set the standards and my word /action is final!
I’m not anyone’s stepping stone nor back up plan and have proved that I way more capable then what they thing. I’m sure some Exes are wallowing in regret for the bad decisions that they made back then which was based on their selfish needs. Too bad for them. Karma will always catch up and whip their butts till it splits!!
Let’s march on wearing the amour of GOD.