As January comes to a close it is time to do some reflection on how the month has been for me.
I have been doing a lot of reading and there is one thought that has been constantly on my mind- The need to develop ones mindfulness. It is important to me to be fully aware of how I feel and how the different emotions affect me and in turn the kids. I have seen how the kids can get affected by my personal feelings, thoughts and actions. I need to be intentional in my ways to create the environment I want the kids to live in. It is a tall order no doubt but certainly achievable with a lot of effort on my part.
I’ve been refocusing on what is essential to me and doing a lot of re-assessment in all areas that are important to me. I’ve re-examined everyone’s timetable and diet and done quite a lot of shuffling to ensure that everything runs like clockwork in my household.
It hasn’t been easy on this journey that I am on to more in-depth spiritual awareness. Walking the path as a Christian is something that I have decided on and will strive to continue on till the ends of time. There has been a lot of obstacles and trials that I have been facing and will continue to face along my walk but all these will not deter me from my chosen path.
For the past few months I have been confronting demons who have wrecked much havoc in my life. It hasn’t been easy battling them head on and I am grateful for the support and guidance from GOD. With him as my rock I have been able to identify their destructive behavior and take measures to protect myself and the kids from their harmful ways.
It has been extremely exhausting mentally and physically trying to keep sane in a very insane world. Sometime it seems like the whole world is coming down on you when the bad behavior by these people who bully/ abuse and torture us goes unpunished. I know it is not up to us to pass judgement nor good for one to wish ill or destruction to our the devils in our lives. It has been a struggle to banish such negative thoughts from my mind periodically.
It is not easy to forgive someone who has deliberately gone all out to make life difficult for you and gloats on the fact that he/she perceives that he/she is able to make your life a living hell. I have learned that it is not good to let these bad emotions get the better of me. There is no need to allow thoughts of these Devils to invade my mind and infest it with toxic thoughts. It has been a struggle blocking out negative thoughts on taking revenge and seeing justice be rendered to me (the victim).
It is not on my timing but his. GOD is the one who will decide on the judgement for a person. I’m sure that all the suffering that I am going through is not in vain. He is only strengthening me and deepening my faith in him and his WORD.
It really is a mind shift to move away from harmful thoughts which makes one vulnerable to the evil spirits of fear, resentment and anxiety that are lurking around. You are what you attract. It is up to one to manifest the life that one wants to live.
Focusing on the positives and the LIGHT is what I aim to do. Strengthen my mind so that it doesn’t become infested with unwanted feelings and thoughts. I will be channeling my energy to reducing all negativity and stay grounded and centered in GOD.
How has January been for you?