The holidays are just over for the kids. They are back in school for the 3rd term and it’s back to a more hectic schedule for me as compared to 1st semester. It’s time to kick things into high gear. Lots of things have happened during the first half of 2017.
Plans have changed and many different revelations have been revealed to me through the months. Even though there was much upheaval in our lives we managed to pull through without too much damage emotionally and financially.
It has been mentally exhausting dealing with FAKE people who were parading around us. They were really pest !! It didn’t pay to be understanding and accommodating towards them as it only boosted their self-entitlement mentality till it got simply ridiculous. I know that GOD placed them in my life to give me an opportunity to grow in my faith and also become a better person. They are examples of the person I DO NOT wish to become nor do I wish my kids to become victims of such people. Their masks have finally dropped after so many years and we get to see the soulless ghouls that were parading in human skin.
I find that it is very important to teach the kids how to tell the difference between toxic and non-toxic behavior. They have to start learning NOW what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Values education coupled with a focus on
Like the song above by Timbaland sometimes somethings that have been done can’t be remedied by apologizing. The trust has been broken and nothing can be done about it. When I am done I am done. Finito!! Goodbye to you forever. Not everyone needs and deserves a 3rd or 4th chance with me especially when it concerns the safety and welfare of the kids. If it happens more then twice it is certainly done deliberately / intentionally and the person committing the offence is all out to cause trouble and inconvenience me in the process.
These few months we were dealing with extremely self centered persons who would rather inconvenience everyone so that they the only one who will benefit. Sometimes when they are unable to personally benefit from it they will go all out to make sure that no one else if able to benefit at all by deliberately destroying the item or even removing it without permission/ stealing it so that we are deprived of it. Utterly wicked!!.
However due to their unwarranted actions, I am forced to step out of my comfort zone and it had accelerated my growth. and also reaffirmed that the decisions that I have made are the right ones. I find that I have lowered my tolerance level for accepting other people’s nonsense. I do not need to be drawn into their senseless drama nor need to entertain them and their needs and forsake my own in the meantime.
Not everyone has your best interest at heart. This lesson has been replayed to me several times this year through the people that I had encountered. I guess when the lesson is repeated it gets ingrained in your mind. The red flags surface faster as one gains experience handling cluster B individuals. I learned to be more discerning and more cautious in the type of relationships I would like with some individuals.
Being too nice or caring doesn’t pay off, it feeds cluster B’s entitlement mentality. Their twisted mind , low self esteem will only cause harm and even damage to you. It’s certainly not worth being their friend even. There are some people who cannot be helped as in no way they will nor want to change their behavior or attitude.
How was June for you?