Network Marketing

October 2016- Week 4 Learnings- Part 1


This week I had the privilege to attend a Joel Bauer event.  For those who do not know who he is the mentor to people like T Harv Eker. It was a jam packed event from the start.  The  day event had the guru freely sharing his secrets and tips which he had been using through his career to make his fortunes.

The main  takeaways which I got were the following

  1. Billion Dollar Principle
    Focusing on speaking the truth. Show that you are human be on a level which the audience which can relate to. “Knock yourself down” by sharing your personal struggles which you manage to overcome. You gain trust when others can relate to you. Education is what people create it to be create your own intellectual property.

It is always important to pre-frame your audience. Give them some background information before showing them an emotional testimonial which will tug on their heart strings. You need to preempt the audience so they know what is going to happen and they will be able to follow on your train of thought through the process.

If you can save the customer/client  10-15 yrs and speed up his learning they will find that it is worth it to invest in you.

They must TRUST & Believe in You.

Communication is key and you do that via marketing.  You need to show up to prove that you are serious in what you do.  If you treat this like a business people will react accordingly.

You need to be comfortable with your information to be able to share it with maximum impact. The audience will question you if you do not appear confident in sharing your own information.

For a system to work and for you and your team members the techniques use has to be transferable and  easy to duplicate.  If there is any doubts do get them clarified. If you don’t ask you won’t get what you seek.

A VIRAL testimonial is something that is very powerful!!

Using this tool you will be able to secure the audience attention via using the instrument of seduction. You need to tell the truth in simple words/language which people can relate to easily.  Be authentic!!  Show your heart , spirit and honesty in your message.

2. Set your expectation

It is essential that you know what you want and how to deal with it. Do not ignore the obvious.  Focus on the moves that you need to execute to generate the outcome you desire.

Your audience must know you before they are able to value you. One must be able to project yourself properly as others can sense if you are unprepared or not professional enough. 90% of how you market yourself is reliant on your VOICE.

Besides setting expectations for yourself you need to set the expectation of the audience so they will anticipate the value of the service/ products that you will be providing.

As a marketer you need to know how to pitch effectively to prospects. Seek connections/ leads to grow the business.

Focus on how you IMPACT your audience through the use of your materials or with your speech.

20 Moves Matrix

Secure Attention Credibility Rapport Self Effacing Target Problem
Suggest there is a solution Set Expectation Pitch Builder
(Revelation 1)
Social Proof Pitch Enhancer
(Revelation 2)
Social Proof 2 Revelation 3 Social Proof 3 Permission to Reveal System Revelation
Benefits and Features Gift Form Guarantee Free Bonuses Gift Form Completion Call to Action