In three more months we will be welcoming 2017. I can’t wait for 2016 to be over. It has been a real roller coaster year for me with lots of highs and lows. A lot of unexpected changes have forced me out of my comfort zone and make me re-think about what I want in life. I had to reset my priorities and also make some major changes for myself and the kids.
Many important decisions had to be made and I’m glad that I had made them. I had to cut of certain relationships that had become too toxic to handle. I’ve realized how important it is for me to set my boundaries and protect my sanity from monsters who are all out to create chaos in my life on a daily basis.
2016 has certainly been a year of great growth for me. I’ve realigned my goals several times and worked feverishly in reaching the targets that I have set.
I learnt that it is important to grow and in order to do that, one needs to set aside time for personal growth on a daily basis. Without growth there can never be progression and development. I used to be one who procrastinated a lot and was very hesitant to leave my comfort zone. I realized that this mindset certainly had to go if I am to improve myself and show by example to the kids how to lead a fulfilling and balanced life.
Change is a necessity not an option.
Planning is something which I do on a regular basis as I feel that it is important for me to be able to schedule into the day as much as I want to get completed. I aim to be productive and efficient in whatever I wish to do by eliminating time wasters as much as possible. It has been apparent that certain things which used to work were no longer effective and had to be discarded in favor of a more effective procedure or strategy.
I used to set my yearly goals around the 1st of January as can be seen on the other blog – Dominique’s Desk . They were rather general goals which I thought were the way to go back then. However now I know better. To push myself I should be setting very specific goals instead.
Top 3 Goals for the year
- Save up $20K for a holiday to Japan with the kids.
- Rank advancement to Manager
- To have my own apartment
Language Development Goals
- To spend at least three times a week reading Chinese storybook to the kids and using the language with them as often as possible.
- To listen to the Japanese, Korean and French Podcast twice a week so that I do not lose touch with those two languages which I had picked up in collage and improve my understanding of Korean.
- To sign up and attend either Japanese or Korean Lessons with a study buddy.
Marketing Goals
- Rebranding myself to make my blog and business more pronounced to the world.
- Come up with content articles for the blog on a weekly basis
- Complete any series that relevant and stick to a timeline on their delivery/publication in the blog.
- Connect with more people online and offline by attending events and joining different groups.
- Maintain and build new relationships and increase my circle of influence.
Health Goals
- To get to and maintain a healthy weight of 55-58kg with fat % of 25%.
- To exercise 4 times a week with the kids or by myself.
- To stick to a protein rich diet and eliminate all processed and unhealthy foods from my intake ( CLEAN EATING)
For other goals relating to parenting and education I will share on my main blog on a later date.