
Crocodile and Hippoportamus

The crocodile
The crocodile

During the visit to the Zoo last week the kids and I got to see many animals which we haven’t seen in awhile. It was the first time that I brought the kids to the zoo solo.  They were not that keen on seeing all the animals at the zoo so we left after we had out lunch.

I didn’t manage to snap many pictures at the zoo as it was quite tricky managing the DSLR while pushing the pram and keeping an eye on the boys who were running here and there.

Here are the better pictures which I manage to capture of the Crocodile and the hippopotamus.



The hippo in the water with it’s reflection.


17 thoughts on “Crocodile and Hippoportamus”

  1. Fab closeups they are quite frightening aren’t they I always think when I see them like that they are ready to pounce LOL

    Have a tanfastic week ahead 😉

    1. @Tiffany,
      I used my 90mm macro lens to take the photos. That’s the only zoom I have besides the kit lens for the camera 🙂

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