
Bees and Flowers

Purple bloom
Purple bloom

While on vacation on Jeju island I saw many lovely blooms.  It was a great opportunity for me to practice with my macro lens to see if I am able to capture one of my favourite subjects- flowers. There were many wild flowers around and many of them had bees buzzing around them.  I managed to capture the bee which had landed on this flower.

A White bloom
A White bloom

There was a bee on this flower but it flew off before I could snap a picture of it. It would have been nice if I could have captured the bee on the yellow centre of the flower.

A light blue bloom
A light blue bloom

It would have been better if I managed to capture the bee from the front instead of it’s back. It was hard to go up close without it sensing my presence and flying off again.

Purple flowers
Purple flowers

It was another miss here capturing the bee as it was buzzing around these flowers. I do love the gradient shade of purple on these blooms. Really pretty.

Have you be taking pictures of flowers lately?

Link up below with your wordless/wordful Wednesday posts.

32 thoughts on “Bees and Flowers”

  1. Beautiful flowers. You got great shots. I love flowers and have been taking photographs of some of them in my garden. My WW post features the Daylily. Thanks for hosting.

  2. Hmm, I’ve never seen a bee like that – wonder what it is. I haven’t but I should. We did get some nice ones last month though. Congrats on the new lens!

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